Term 1, Week 3 - 10th February 2022
From the Principal
Dear families,
WELCOME BACK to all St Maria Goretti students, staff, and families. It has been wonderful to have all the students back this week, enjoying catching up with their teachers and friends. The atmosphere across the school has been buzzing with energy and classes have all very quickly settled. I hope the transition back to school is a smooth one for your child/children.
Special welcome to all our new Prep students in their very first week of school and to all new students and families who have relocated to St Maria Goretti in all other year levels. We are proud to say that our school has grown from 22 students in 2020 to 37 students in 2022!
The staff and I remain optimistic that we can look forward to a productive year for our students. The focus initially for our teachers will be on settling the students back in, building positive relationships with them and their classmates, helping students get back into classroom routines and reviewing expected learning behaviours.
We also wish our year 6 students a wonderful last year of school! We will be celebrating our new leaders on the 14th of March at our Leadership Commissioning Celebration. More details to come.
2022 Annual Action Plan
This year we will continue to raise the bar and lift expectations for all as we work towards embedding our Annual Action Plan for 2022. We have an exciting year planned and are looking forward to achieving a new set of improvement goals. I look forward to your support throughout the year and believe that together we will ensure St Maria Goretti continues to do the best for your child/children.
St Maria Goretti’s Strategic Intent for 2022
Teaching & Learning
- Continue to engage and improve the results in mathematics using effective instructional practices (INSPIRE Maths Strategy)
- Engage in the Ignite Learning Tier 2 (Visible Learning) Project
Mission & Identity
- Incorporate high quality pedagogy into our Religion curriculum
Continual Renewal
- Implement the school’s Technology and eLearning plan
Sustainable Resourcing & Stewardship
- Commence the 2022 Building Project at the school – New Toilet Block
School Priorities
- Embed a school wide practice of goal setting with all staff
- Continue to support early careers teachers with their pedagogy and practice
I am confident that this year will be a great year for our school in continuing its improvement agenda.
Staff structure for 2022
Principal, APRE & Middle Leader: Mrs Casey Robinson
P-2 Teacher & School Officers: Mr Brady Zahner, Mrs Naomi Smith and Miss Imogen Bankes
3-6 Teacher & School Officers: Mrs Olivia Osborne, Mrs Zalae Smith and Miss Imogen Bankes
Administration & Finance Officer: Mrs Mandy Mead
Teacher Librarian & Library Assistant: Mrs Anne Anderson and Mrs Zalae Smith
WHS Officer: Mrs Naomi Smith
School Cleaner: Mrs Carla Trevisiol
IT: Mr Kirk Teo
New uniform
After a year of transition, the new uniform is all the rage, and it is fantastic that our students are embracing the change. Our uniform shop is open from Monday-Friday during school hours. Please come and see Mrs Mead for your uniform needs.
Please note that students are required to have a school hat (available to purchase at the school).
Have your details changed?
Please let the office know if you have recently changed your address, email or contact details. You can send us an email to Inglewood@twb.catholic.edu.au or call 4652 1109.
- School commences at 8:40am each day and finishes at 3:05pm. Please ensure your child arrives to school on time to give them the best start to the school day.
- Due to staff supervision, we ask that students don’t arrive in the morning until 8:20am at the earliest. Students are asked to remain seated at the pews under the school until a teacher is on duty at 8:30am.
- Late arrivals – If your child will be arriving late to school due to appointments etc. Please ensure they come to the office to sign in.
- Absence from school – Parents/caregivers are required to inform the school if their child will be absent. Please use the Parent Portal to inform the school of any absences. Alternatively, you can telephone the school on 4652 1109.
- Parents must sign their children out at the office if they are being collected during school hours.
Classroom Teachers
Our teachers often arrive early in the morning to do preparation, planning and setting up for the day before the students enter the room. This means that classroom doors may be closed to parents and students until 8:30am.
Once the students enter the room things can become a little hectic with homework folders, note collections, the sharing of news about birthdays and other family events and so on.
We encourage parents to maintain regular communication with teachers, however, it is more appropriate to make an appointment, particularly when discussions require confidentiality or time, and so that the topic is valued.
At this stage we will be limiting face to face meetings but appointments for phone conversations can be prearranged by contacting the office on 4652 1109. Alternatively, you can contact the teachers via their work email address below. Please understand that teachers will not be able to reply to your emails until outside of school hours.
Mrs Casey Robinson (Principal) | casey.robinson@twb.catholic.edu.au |
Mr Brady Zahner (P-2 Teacher) | brady.zahner@twb.catholic.edu.au |
Mrs Olivia Osborne (3-6 Teacher) | liv.osborne@twb.catholic.edu.au |
I will continue to keep you updated via email as I receive more information. Please continue checking your emails to ensure you are kept up to date with the latest information and advice.
Thank you to all our families for working with us and being patient during these unfamiliar times. I appreciate your understanding and resilience.
Yours in education,
Casey Robinson
“Out of all our heart’s troubles. God will bring glory.” (Mary MacKillop, 1890)
Important Dates
11th February 16th February 16th February 24th February 28th February 1st March 2nd March 11th March 14th March 16th March 17th March 18th March 31st March 1st April 1st April 18th April 19th April 20th April | Mac Zone Swimming NRL Footy skills visit Parent Partnership Forum Meeting GRIP Leadership Conference - cancelled Project Compassion begins Shrove Tuesday (Pancake Day) Ash Wednesday Inglewood Show Holiday Leadership Liturgy Parent Partnership Forum Meeting St Patrick's Day - wear something green St Joseph's Day Easter Liturgy (TBC) Coin line challenge for Project Compassion (P-2 vs 3-6) Last day of Term 1 Easter Monday Pupil Free Day Term 2 begins |
Life and Learning in the Library
As our school year begins, we celebrate our library and how it can be a life force for learning.
Students in Year 3 - 6 are exploring the Queensland Schools Library Week theme; School libraries – the heart of learning. Today, students shared their ideas around learning and what heart for learning can mean. Next week they will create an image to show how reading can be at the centre of their learning. A selection of students’ responses will be shared on the library AccessIT homepage and one will be selected to go to the Queensland competition.
As adults, we appreciate the importance of reading for life and learning. Thank you for reading aloud to your children and encouraging free choice reading at home.
First Day of Library Borrowing
All students borrowed library books for home or for the classroom today. Please enjoy their selections at home and remind students to return them in their library bags next Thursday so that they can borrow new books. Thank you for providing waterproof library bags for weekly use.
Happy reading everyone!
Anne Anderson
Teacher Librarian
Learning Overviews
This year, the teachers will be providing overviews of the intended learning for each term to parents.
The academic program is divided into 8 Key Learning areas: English, Mathematics, Religious Education, HaSS (History and Social Sciences), Science, HPE (Health and Physical Education), The Arts (Music, Drama, Visual Arts and Dance) and Digital and Design Technologies.
Please find the term overview for your child’s class below to find out what they are learning this term at school.
Casey Robinson (Middle Leader)
Swimming lessons begin 18th February
Students will once again be receiving swimming coaching through the Inglewood Aquatic Centre. Due to funding received from Sporting Schools Australia there is no cost for the coaching. Parents are reminded to advise the office if their child is not swimming.
Students need to bring the following in a bag and all labelled with student's name. Please remember to also label the sports uniform, including underwear and socks:
- Togs
- Swim shirt
- Towel
- Goggles (optional)
- Swimming cap (optional), or long hair must be tied up
Are you able to help with swimming on Friday afternoons?
We are looking for parent helpers to:
- assist children to get dressed before and after swimming
- supervise and help with child behaviour management
- play games in the little pool with younger students
If you think you may be able to help between 1:15pm and 3pm, please let Casey or Mandy know.
In accordance with the current Health Directive, all volunteers in an education setting must have received two doses of an approved COVID-19 vaccination.
Sight Words
Parent Partnership Forum
Chairperson: Christine Apted
Secretary: Jade Johnson
Next meeting: Wednesday 16th February, 3:30pm in the P-2 classroom
Please join us for our first Parent Partnership Forum meeting for 2022. All are welcome!
Data Collection - Student Residential Address
The Australian Government Department of Education, Skills and Employment (the department) would like to notify you that a request has been made for your child’s school to provide residential address and other information as required under the Australian Education Regulation 2013.
Please see the below flyer for details:
Our Lady of the Southern Cross Parish - Mass Times
Saturday 12th February - 5:30pm - Mass
Sunday 20th February - 9am - Lay Lead Liturgy
Sunday 27th February - 9am - Mass